Qualifications. Lotus

Professional Qualifications & Professional Profile

At present I work on a one to basis with individual clients, and also via video link and telephone carrying out therapeutic work with families. implementing positive parenting strategies through parenting groups or individually. I have worked in a variety of different fields from bereavement centres, rape and sexual abuse (RASAC), local schools and so on, for a number of different agencies including NHS, GP referrals and privately.

This has enabled me to gain experience in a variety of different setting with individual clients over the years.


Prof Dev Cert Counselling Skills, 2004/2005 Person-centred counselling skills
Working with sucidial client (Storm Training)2006
Person-Centred Prof Adv Dev Dip 2007
Working with Rape & Sexual Abuse Cert 2008
Working with Domestic Violence, Facilitators cert 2008
Safeguarding Cert 2015
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 2010
Nuturing Program Practitioner
Play therapy Practitioner
Parenting Practitioner
Perpetrators training practitioner.
PAMS ( Parenting Assessment Manual Software)
Health & Well-being practitioner/facilitator
Life Coaching

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